Illustrative Module Session Plan - IUDs
The session plan summarizes how the resources and documents in the module should be used to achieve the learning objectives. Each section of the session plan addresses a module topic, such as characteristics of the method or medical eligibility, and is linked to one or more slides in the primary presentation. All the module materials and resources are listed on the first few pages of each session plan, with links to the module files. The IUDs Module is divided into four sessions:
- Session I is on the characteristics of IUDs and includes key points for providers and clients, effectiveness, mechanism of action, health benefits of IUDs and side effects.
- Session II contains information on who can and who cannot use IUDs, medical eligibility for the use of IUDs, and information on screening for contraceptive use.
- Session III is on providing IUDs. It includes information on when women can start using an IUD, how an IUD is inserted and removed, counseling IUD users, correcting rumors and misconceptions, follow up visits, management of side effects, warning signs of complications, and problems that may require stopping use of an IUD or switching to another method.
- Session IV is on providing instructions on how to insert and remove a copper-bearing IUD and for preventing infection during insertion and removal. Participants practice inserting and removing the IUD on anatomical models.
The Illustrative Training Schedule provides a snapshot of the breakdown of the module by day, time, and topic covered.